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"Surprisingly— often a difficult problem in a sentence can be solved by simply getting rid of it."  
William Zinsser, On Writing Well


Writers' Forum 
Short Stories 

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Bryan Bailey,
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"Write freely and rapidly as possible and throw the whole thing on paper. Never correct or rewrite until the whole thing is down. Rewrite in process is usually found to be an excuse for not going on." 
John Steinbeck

Writers' Block Character workshop Plot workshop Creativity Workshop
Before delving into cures for writer's block, we must determine the cause. Ask yourself, "'What is my problem?  Why can't I write?" Possibly, your mind is preoccupied, something is blocking the creative flow. More than likely, stress is the main culprit. 

The stress monster is one of the greatest foes of creativity. Relax. Learn to recognize that writing is your time. It is you dedicating time towards you, the writer. Writers need to be somewhat selfish.  Don't let distractions take that special time away from yourself. If you have bills to pay-pay them. If you can't pay the bills—write.  There is potentially a mass of wealth at your finger tips and it will never manifest unless you start writing. Get motivated—-write. 
Relax. Use a few minutes just to clear your mind.  if possible, dim the lighting, sit comfortably, and breathe deeply.  Let the oxygen stimulate the brain. As your breathing begins to flow naturally, focus on what is happening in your story. Think about your characters, how they behave, what they look like. Imagine where they are. Place them in the setting that you're presently working on. What are they doing?  What will they do next? Perhaps you haven't begun a story yet. Use this time to converge your thoughts on what you want to say. Your story will not develop if it stays trapped in your mind. Make it appear on the page.  Let your thoughts flow.  Start writing.
Revaluate your writing environment. Are you at your usual writing place? Writing is habit forming so you’ve got to create the habit. Take action and create the writing environment which works best for you. Do you work better with  music, certain lighting, a special coffee? Do whatever is necessary to give you that feel for creativity.... 

Are there distractions that are interfering with your creative flow? If at all possible, eliminate the distractions or let them blend into the background. Try to eliminate the distracting noises by listening to some writing music. Music can be a great enhancer to the writing process (more of this in the Workshop). 

Let's move on to the character workshop.